Long ago, Yahshua, the Messiah, spoke with the voice of a prophet of things to come. He spoke of the darkest times yet to face humanity, and also of signs to come that overflow with the promise of hope — the hope of an age of peace. Perhaps we are embarking upon the very days in which His prophecies will begin to be fulfilled.
He spoke of wars.
Once again cannons fire and missiles fly as heavy steel death machines roll in with horrifying thunder. The gravity of it all makes the blood flow down… always followed by the soft, falling streams of tears. The great and terrible wars of mankind are built out of the same uncivilized substance that rears its ugly head in the many deep trials of our civilian relationships. All the while we say that we long for peace.
He spoke of rumors of wars.
Mankind amasses weapons higher and higher in sinister, antagonistic preparation, while soldiers are equipped with the brutality needed to engage in some not-too-distant and inevitable day… when the tears will flow once again. If only we could see where the wounds we nurse, the grudges we hold, and the bitterness we cling to will surely lead! Deep inside, we all want to get along.
He spoke of nation rising against nation.
The cruelty of history takes yet another horrific lap round an inescapable track, handing down to the next generation an inheritance of convincing proofs of our slavery to fallen human nature. When will we ever learn, oh, when will we ever learn? Often we don’t realize how trapped we are until we really try to be free.
He spoke of kingdom set against kingdom.
The insatiable, heartless climb to be the one on top is always accompanied by indifference and numbness to the cost of those who are crushed at the bottom. Generation upon generation deeply inculcates these fallen “ virtues ” into the next — to want to be noticed, to stand out, to be acknowledged as someone great. To esteem others as greater than oneself remains one of mankind’s most uncultivated traits. Yet righteousness cries out, “Are we all not members of one human race?”
He spoke of famine.
It remains a taunting injustice that on such a rich and abundant planet so many face hunger, need, and want. It is upon the same abundant planet, with all its highly civilized, densely populated societies full of comfort and ease, that so many know all too well the desperate, gnawing hunger of loneliness. Will this savage curse of injustice ever be broken?
He spoke of pestilence.
The Death Angel swoops in yet again with the sickle set to the harvest — a plague that sends its feverish shock waves reverberating throughout the human race.
As humanity is infected with fear of this ominous and invisible enemy, we all know that this is not the first time that angel has come near… nor will it be the last. Still, even more insidious are the social viruses that are causing the whole human race to crumble and melt down before our very eyes. Is there any true refuge for life?
He spoke of earthquakes.
All that seems immovable, everything that promises stability, the firmest strategy, the strongest security, and the highest impenetrable walls begin to crumble when the ground shakes and rumbles underfoot. Life’s violent tremors far beyond your control make you long for what is solid — the true, unshakable Rock.
Knowing that this is just the beginning of the sorrowful birth pains that mark the culmination of this dark age will surely cause any mortal man to shudder.
But also upon the end-times battlefield, between light and darkness, good and evil, another player steps forward. Eagerly awaiting, those who have eyes that still look up to see beyond take special note, with hearts that ponder as they view the majestic sparkling of the stars above. They observe the fresh grass emerging from the earth beneath with hearts that cling tightly to hope amid what seems utterly hopeless.
The Voice of Spring whispers its bold, unwavering message, as if to affirm His truth…